The Need
Did You Know?
- A total of 37% of the households in St. Lucie County fall into the
ALICE category (Asset Limited, Income Considered, Employed),
indicating they have jobs but struggle to afford basic needs. - The Federal Poverty level equals an income below $13,590 for a
single-person household and below $27,750 for a four-person
household. - St. Lucie Co. – approximately 14% totaling 50,218 people living below
the ALICE threshold. - In St. Lucie County, the Fair Market Rate for rent is 95% higher than
other areas and has increased by over 7.89% in the last year. - The average rent in St. Lucie County is approximately $1,900 per
month. At this rate, most people in our community are spending more
than half of their monthly income on housing. - St. Lucie County has a food insecure population of 12.3% = 41,100